Saturday, August 31, 2019

Prospectus on Immigration

Aly Anderson 11/17/12 Turkan Deperlioglu English 105 Prospectus and Annotated Bibliography In today’s day of age, Illegal immigration is becoming a huge issue. With laws constantly changing and people's views becoming more obscure about the idea, Illegal Immigration is becoming a harder issue to tackle. Illegal immigration has many issues including economic spread, population growth, political stances, and difficult immigration processes. Both sides of the political arena are fighting effortlessly to get there point across.The Republicans believe that immigration should be stopped going into the United States of only poor immigrants, while prosperous immigrants are allowed. This is an example of racial profiling which is illegal in the US. The Democrats want to make the Immigration process easier to help bring economic prosperity to all. I agree with the Democrats, we should allow everyone in including the Mexican farm workers to the British pop stars (Ethier 67). No longer sh ould race, ethnicity, or amount of money made be a factor of getting into the country (Tolbert Hero 815).As a growing country, the more people we can have can mean a growing economy with prosperous people throughout. Carney, Dan, (1996). † Social Policy † Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, 54, (36): 2531. In this article the, which is taken from the Congressional Report of the US Representatives, has many ideas that are brought to the front about immigration. It takes a good look at both sides of the congressional office. It is good article because it utilizes all of its resources and it helps the reader understand the different sides of the issue.It uses examples from different parts of the past to help explain the changing ideals about the issue. The article explains the congress ideas on the situation at hand and how it can affect the changing economy. With the economy in the state it is now, this article helps the reader understand the congresses point of view of the issue of immigration. This article has many different views to the idea of changing Illegal Immigration. With either views of the Congressional Report, I truly learned the different stances of the Government of immigration.Ciobanu, Ileana M. and Thomas C. Green. (2006). â€Å"Deputizing – and Then Prosecuting – America's Businesses in the Fight against Illegal Immigration,† American Criminal Law Review, 43, (3): 1203+. In â€Å"Deputizing- and Then Prosecuting- America’s Businesses in the Fight against Illegal Immigration†, the reader gets a good hard look of the business prospective Illegal Immigration. American businesses are getting hit hard by both Illegal Immigrants taking jobs and the American government trying to hunt them down which is causes quite the controversy.This article is taken by the American Criminal Law review, which is a group of government-funded people who search for Illegal Immigrants throughout the US. It gives you an i n-depth look at todays government officials ideas about Immigration. The article used a lot of it’s own businesses troubles to explain the situation and how it affects others. Using its own problems as examples helps you realize the bad in immigration. It allows a look into the large business side of the immigration. It helps and gives good ideas of what is going on with immigration in the US.Fullinwider, Robert, (2005). â€Å"Affirmative Action†, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2005 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed. ), http://plato. stanford. edu/archives/spr2005/entries/affirmative-action/ This article explains immigration and what is trying to be done with it. It lists many different types of solutions and ideas to help get both sides of the argument involved. Not only does it does it explain the issue but with the solution ideas, this article is one of the best. â€Å"Affirmative Action† helps the reader understand the different sides of the iss ue.It does not bad mouth either side of the argument and the author is good at keeping the opinion to himself unlike some of the other articles that are being presented. This article also utilizes all the resources from the congress to business and other forms of small government. It makes sense to use this as a resource because it explains and gives examples why immigration is both bad and good. Robert Fullinwider uses his studies of philosophy and uses it to help explain why people migrate into the US and why people in the government do not like it.Graham, Hugh Davis, (1990), The Civil Rights Era: Origins and Development of National Policy 1960-1972 (New York: Oxford University Press): 413. This earlier article explains how immigration is similar to the Civil Rights Era. Racial profiling is still used today on immigrants coming from all around the world. Hugh Davis Graham explains the cruel happenings due to immigration and how it is affecting other people’s view of immigra nts entering the US. He explains the relationship of the civil rights movement and the immigration process.Racial profiling is becoming a large problem for immigrants who come up from the south, similar to African Americans back in the sixties. The many examples given helps the readers completely understand the parallelism between the two. It uses history as en examples to give good explanations. With immigration being such a present day topic, this article is an excellent source for the paper because how much it discusses the issues at hand. Hayes, Ted, (September 25, 2000 ). â€Å"Illegal Immigration Threatens U. S. Sovereignty, Economy and Culture,† Insight on the News, 16, (36): 46 In â€Å"Illegal Immigration Threatens U.S. Sovereignty, Economy and Culture,† all the cons about Illegal Immigration are brought to the surface. A major one is over population. Though this is not a major problem within the US, people believe it can really hurt our country. Some citizens believe that immigrants can take away or really change the voting in America. They only problem is that people do not realize that within the constitution that voting can neither be changed nor taken away. This article is a good source because of how it explains the cons of the issue, also how it give good, descriptive examples. Howell, Llewellyn d. July 2006). â€Å"Ironies of Illegal Immigration,† USA Today, 135, (2734): 19 In the â€Å"Ironies of Illegal Immigration,† Llewellyn Howell talks about how the government contradicts itself with the ideas of immigration. She uses many different examples like money and laws. With the example of laws, there are many different theories on how to make immigration easier but the laws contradict themselves in the sense they both help and stop immigrants from getting into the US. Though this isn’t the best for helping Americans promote their country, it also allows many to keep the country they so proudly built.In the end of this controversial article, Howell states that the US Government needs to get a congress and President that agree on the idea of Immigration and how it should have never gotten this far. The article was a good source for many explanations in the paper because of how well the examples explain the issue of Immigration. Lempres, Michael T. (1994). â€Å"Getting Serious about Illegal Immigration,† National Review, 46, (3): 52+ Michael T. Lempres explains immigration through the eyes of a congressman. He utilizes his skills and gives examples about immigration in many in depth ways.The author gets very descriptive about the points of immigration. He discusses both sides of the of the issue in ways that make the reader a lot more settled because they can understand the political terms. This is a good source because it brought forth the issue of economic status and how immigration really affects our country. He goes on to explain how making the immigration process easier can hel p make our economy thrive because more money is being cycled through our system. Also, immigration can help people with their cultural view and help Americans stop being so one sided.This article really helped when understanding the pros to the issue of immigration and what is does for our country. LMD, (Summer 1992). â€Å"How to Avoid Immigration-Related Employment Discrimination,† Labor Management Decisions, 2, (2) This article is very useful when it comes to understanding the discrimination in the work force due to immigration. Most people do not realize that it is harder for immigrants to find a job because they are different. Many immigrants come over with a lot of the same schooling as us Americans or even more.Sometimes immigrants even have more schooling because some other countries have a higher standard of education. Now, with jobs being more limited in the US. People play favorites when offering jobs to others in the work force and that makes it harder for people coming over looking for jobs. This source has a lot to offer and really made immigration easier to understand. Website, â€Å"Immigration Problems in the US,† Online, http://www. cyberessays. com/Politics/32. htm â€Å"Immigration Problems in the US† discusses the major difficulties within the immigrating processes in the US today.It also looks back into the past US problems with Immigration like overpopulation over economic status. This article brings up the government views as well as the views of the American population. It allows for people to read the article and understand the why making the immigration process for entering the US should be easier and how it can benefit our country. Though the author is not stated in the website, they clearly explain why immigration is such a big issue to people within our country and throughout the world.This article is an amazing source for one who is trying to learn more about immigration and how it affects our world. White, D eborah, â€Å"Analysis of Immigration Reform Proposal,† Liberal Politics: US, Available Online: http://usliberals. about. com/od/immigration/i/BushImmiReform. htm This article looks at the political reforms that are set in place for immigration. It has a deep explanation into the government view of immigration and how it being stopped. It does not look at either side of the political arena like other articles being presented.This is a true understanding of the reform recently written to make immigration a more difficult process and why this is not acceptable to our constitution. Deborah White makes a good attempt to understand the minds of the politicians involved with this reform and why it was written just so recently. With White’s view being more on the Liberal side, she focuses more on the conservative side of things and trying to understand their views and why they have them. This was a helpful article because it gave good representation to both views of the issue .

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Sarin Gas Attack on the Tokyo Subway

Terrorism has always been a part of human’s history. Although there is still no clear explanation about the act of terrorism, a terrorist and terrorism itself, it is evident that it has a drastic consequence on the society and the people’s lives. Technically, terrorism is classified as international and domestic. This paper will focus on a particular domestic terrorism – the Sarin Gas Attack on the Tokyo Subway. Included here is the account of the incident, the perpetrators, the chemical used, the victims and the long-term effect of this incident. The Sarin Gas Attack on the Tokyo Subway The Sarin Gas Attack on the Tokyo Subway was considered the worst terrorist attack in Japan. Five members of the Aum Shinrikyo armed with sarin gas executed the assault on the morning of March 20, 1995 in the busy subways of Tokyo. Five more members were waiting outside as getaway drivers. The perpetrators entered the Marunouchi, Hibiya and the Chiyoda subway lines with bags of sarin covered with newspaper. They boarded trains and released the sarin by pricking the bags with their pointed umbrellas. As the liquid nerve agent turned into gas and mixed with the air, the commuters were immediately poisoned. It resulted to 12 deaths and more than 3,000 were injured. Because sarin poisoning was still unfamiliar during that time, Japan’s medical system had a hard time diagnosing and treating the victims. Hospitals were only given information on the diagnosis and treatment through fax by Dr. Yanagisawa Nobuo who had encountered treating sarin poisoning. Today, many of the victims still suffer from the nerve agent’s after effects such as breathing problems, depression and brain damage. Aum Shinrikyo Aum Shinrikyo is the Japanese phrase for â€Å"Supreme Truth. † It is founded in 1984 by partially blind Chizuo Matsumoto, known as Master Shoko Asahara to his followers. It started as a yoga and meditation class and progressed later on. It was recognized as a religious organization in 1989 and it was called a â€Å"religion for the elite† because the recruits were mostly young graduates from the country’s premium universities. This group worships Shiva being their god and its belief is a combination of Buddhism, Taoism, tantric yoga and Asahara’s interpretation of Christianity. Their teachings have great emphasis on apocalyptic scenarios and millennial visions being Nostradamus as one of their prophets. Asahara also prophesized that Japan would soon be annihilated by biological, nuclear and chemical weapons as a part of the impending Armageddon in 1999, and only the followers of Aum Shinrikyo will survive. There are three training systems the followers must undergo in order to obtain deliverance. The first is called the tantric yoga where the recruit is taught basic yoga, ways of personal cleansing and meditation. The second is called the siddhi course where the students are taught the release of an energy called kundalini which they believed to be dwelling â€Å"in a latent state at the base of the spine† (http://encarta. msn. com). The third course is called bodha from which energy from Asahara is spiritually transferred to the disciples. They also believe that salvation can be attained by giving up material things and by offering personal riches to the organization. Aum Shinrikyo is not concentrated in Japan alone. Around the world, it has approximately 20,000 to 40,000 members. In order to financially sustain their activities and operations, the cult collects money by means of tithes, donations, selling religious stuff and other merchandises. The believers who attend the cult’s seminars and trainings are also charged with large amount of money. The cult also owns a computer factory and a chain of restaurants in Japan. Before the March 20, 1995 incident, Aum Shinrikyo has been linked with a number of other assaults. It attempted to discharge butulin toxin around the government buildings in Tokyo in April 1990. During the wedding of the crown prince in June 1993, it again made an attempt to release the same poison around the imperial palace. On June 27, 1994, a several members of the cult released a cloud of sarin in a residential area of Matsumoto, a city located northwest of Tokyo. Seven people died and five hundred more were hospitalized. What followed here was the most tragic attack which became the eye-opener to the great possibility of chemical agents as weapon of mass destruction. The Main Perpetrators The following are five groups of the ten members of Aum Shinrikyo responsible for the March 20, 1995 attack: Ikuo Hayashi and his driver Tomomitsu Niimi †¢ Kenichi Hirose and his driver Koichi Kitamura †¢ Toru Toyoda and his driver Katsuya Takahashi †¢ Masato Yokoyama and his driver Kiyotaka Tonozako †¢ Yasuo Hayashi and his driver Shigeo Sumimoto Ikuo Hayashi was a heart and artery specialist doctor before he joined Aum Shinrikyo in 1990. He left his family and his job and followed Asahara and became the Minister of Healing. He handled members who were suspected for betrayal by administering electric shocks and sodium pentothal. He was assigned to execute the assault on the Chiyoda line. He boarded the southwestbound train and pierced the bag of chemical at Shin-ochanomuzu station. This resulted to two deaths and 231 people were injured. After the incident at the subways, he was given a sentence of life imprisonment. His driver, Tomomitsu Niimi was sentenced to death. Prior to joining Aum Shinrikyo, Kenichi Hirose was a â€Å"holder of a postgraduate degree in Physics from Waseda University† (Wikipedia). He had major contribution in the cult’s Chemical Brigade and Automatic Light Weapon Development system. He was assigned to release the chemical on the westbound Marunochi line headed to Ogikubo. He boarded the train and punctured the bag of sarin at the Ochanomizu station. One died and 358 suffered from the toxin. He himself was affected by the sarin that he discharged but was able to inject himself with the antidote, atropine sulphate, and was given medical attention at the cult’s headquarters. Toru Toyoda was also a member of the Chemical Brigade of Aum Shinrikyo. He was an applied physics graduate from Tokyo University before he became an Aum’s disciple. The northeastbound Hibiya line was the assignment of Toyoda. He boarded the train going to Tobu-dobutsukoen and released sarin at Ebisu. This resulted to one death and 532 serious injuries. He was also sentenced to death after this attack. Masato Yokoyama was the Undersecretary of the cult’s Ministry of Science and Technology and one of the contributories of their Automatic Light Weapons Manufacturing system. Prior to becoming Aum’s member, he was an applied physics graduate of Tokai University. He was assigned at the Ikeburo-bound Marunouchi line. He boarded the train at Shinjuku and punctured his bag of sarin at Yotsuya. The agent evaporated slowly because he was only able to pierce one hole. He was given death sentence after this incident. Yasuo Hayashi held the third highest position in Aum’s Ministry of Science and Technology. He graduated from Kogakuin Univeristy with a degree in artificial intelligence. He was assigned to release sarin at the southwestbound Hibiya line leaving Kita-senju headed to Naka-meguro. He punctured the bags of sarin at Akihabara. Because of the number of punctures he made, commuters were instantly affected by the chemical. This resulted to 8 deaths and 275 serious injuries. He was also sentenced to death after the incident as well as his getaway driver Shigeo Sugimoto. After this assault, Aum Shinrikyo’s assests were taken away from the group as well as its status as a religious organization. Sarin Asahara ordered his members to mass produce sarin in 1993 and the chemical plant started to operate in 1994. Originally, sarin was developed to be used as a pesticide. It was first made in Germany in 1938 and it is not organic. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid that mix into the air when vaporized. It is now considered as a chemical warfare agent under the category of a nerve agent. Nerve agents are the deadliest and fastest acting chemical warfare agents. These are comparable to insect killers, organophosphates, because of the hazards that they bring. Because of the nature of sarin, humans are vulnerable to the fatal effects of this chemical. There are various means that a person can be exposed to this. Once it vaporized into the air, a person can contract sarin through the eyes, skin and nose. If sarin is mixed in water, a person can be poisoned by drinking or even touching the water. Solid food can also be tainted with sarin which is also lethal if eaten. People situated at lower grounds tend to have greater exposure to sarin because of its dense vapor. The degree of toxicity brought by sarin can be determined by the person’s manner of exposure to the chemical, the amount of the chemical and how long was the person’s exposure. If a person is exposed to sarin in its vapor form, the symptoms will be obvious within a few seconds. If it is in the liquid form, on the other hand, the symptoms will show within a few minutes up to 18 hours. Generally, nerve agents work by inhibiting the chemicals in the body to perform its function as the regulator of the muscles and glands. Once the effects of sarin take place, the muscles and glands will no longer be slowed down resulting to fatigue and breathing difficulty. Of all the nerve agents, sarin is the fastest to change its form from liquid into gas and scatter into the air. Due to this characteristic, its effects take place instantly but short-term. The following are the signs and symptoms of exposure to a small or average dose of sarin: †¢ Runny nose †¢ Watery eyes †¢ Small, pinpoint pupils †¢ Eye pain †¢ Blurred vision †¢ Drooling and excessive sweating †¢ Cough †¢ Chest tightness †¢ Rapid breathing †¢ Diarrhea †¢ Increased urination †¢ Confusion †¢ Drowsiness Weakness †¢ Headache †¢ Nausea, vomiting †¢ Slow or fast heart rate †¢ Low or high blood pressure The following are the signs and symptoms of exposure to high doses of sarin: †¢ Loss of consciousness †¢ Convulsions †¢ Paralysis †¢ Respiratory fail ure possibly leading to death (http://terrorism. about. com) Sarin Poisoning Victims According to survey conducted about the sarin gas poisoning victims, year after the incident, more than 17% of the respondents still suffer from mental and emotional stress. Of the 5,300 individuals spoken to, only 1,500 agreed to respond to the survey, signifying that they are still disturbed by the incident. Of the respondents, many experience â€Å"flashbacks to the event and panic attacks when boarding trains† (www. factnet. org). Although majority of the victims still endure constant eye strain and other physical ailments, the most vital point is the mental distress. A large number of the victims still â€Å"worry about getting involved in a similar incident†; â€Å"feel sad when I encounter something that reminds me of the incident†; and â€Å"try not to think about anything related to the incident† (www. factnet. org). Aum Shinrikyo Today After the attack on March 20, 1995, Aum Shinrikyo changed its name to Aleph and it had a new leader, Fumihiro Joyu. Joyu declared that the group gave up its illicit interests and violent practice. Aleph also gave out about 2. 5 million dollars for the victims of the assault. But being on the list of terrorists, they are still being monitored in the conviction that it still has malicious objectives. Its members are now ranging approximately from 1,500 to 2,000 who communicate through the Internet and videoconference. Most of its followers are in Japan and some are in Russia despite the ban imposed to the cult. Although the group gained negative image, it is still onto progressive recruitment and publicity. In order to sustain their activities, they maintain their method of earning money such as soliciting donations, selling religious paraphernalia, collecting tithes, conducting training and seminars and selling computers, which is the most productive source of funds. They are able to destabilize competitors by â€Å"producing cheap software and computers written and assembled by dedicated and low-waged cult members† (www. cdi. org). The possibility of manufacturing chemical and biological weapons is now very small since the abolishment of the group’s chemical facilities in a number of raids. There are still debates, though, about the implications that this cult may have brought in about terrorism especially with the use of chemical agents as weapons of mass destruction. Incidents such as this show how people underestimate terrorism. Japan is a country who has relatively low crime rate and Aum Shinrikyu is considered a religious organization which is expected to exhibit acts of good intentions. This incident calls for a broader perspective on terrorism as well as extra vigilance on the possibility of violence inflicted to a large number of people with the use of weapons of mass destruction.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


The interrogator emits a field of electromagnetic waves from an antenna, which are absorbed by the tag. The absorbed energy is used to power the tag’s microchip and a signal that includes the tag identification number is sent back to the interrogator. The use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio frequency  electromagnetic fields  to transfer data from a tag attached to an object, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking. Some tags require no battery and are powered and read at short ranges via magnetic fields (electromagnetic induction). Backround of the Study Tanauan Institute has already been using the Library System. Since the institution is already using such technology, these will be the first time for the institution to use Radio Frequency Identification. The researchers thought of maximizing its use by creating a system that will track the students who borrowed books, which will be having RFID stickers for monitoring purposes, in the library. Currently, the school’s library is using the â€Å"Library System† in monitoring the books, which has a number of limitations. It is not capable of generating reports that can determine the books that are mostly borrowed which can help them decide on the number of a particular book they will be purchasing in the future. It is also using Microsoft Visual Basic for the system’s database which can only store very limited information. On the other hand, the system that the library is using in recording the attendance of the users cannot help them in identifying the library users of the month. The librarians need to manually count the number of times each student had logged in the system. Lastly, they have also no means of reminding the library users regarding their borrowed book Statement of the Problem Not capable of generating reports that can determine the books that are mostly borrowed. No means of reminding the library users regarding about their borrowed books. Manual counting the number of times each student had logged in the system. Objectives of the Study Generally, the researchers aim to design and develop a system that would enhance the use of the current Library System with the help of RFID in the said Institute. Specifically, the study aims to: Design and develop a system that will generate reports to determine the trend in book borrowing Use MySQL for the system’s database Determine the library users of the month in just a click of a button Remind the students and faculty members regarding their borrowed books Test and evaluate the system’s accuracy and reliability Scope and Delimitation There would be some limitations to the project that should be taken into consideration. This study limits its coverage to the students of the Tanauan Institute only. It will be conducted for two semesters which consists of 10 months. Two low frequency ACR122U Smart Card Readers will be used for the system: one for the monitoring of books and the other one for the recording of the attendance. The system will be written in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010. The database that will be incorporated with such is Microsoft My SQL. It will execute only in platforms running Windows Operating System. The applications of the system will only cover the monitoring of books and tracking of the borrowers. Other unavoidable circumstances, such as power interruptions and speed of access, and other more complex areas of RFID Technology, such as securing the data, are no longer part of the study. Conceptual Framework For the researchers to be able to come up with a Radio Frequency Identification Reloading System, they will need very flexible and versatile knowledge in using the VB. NET programming language and in using the MS Server 2008. They will also be needing materials such as ACS Readers, tags which should be compatible with the reader and a desktop running Windows operating system. The related foreign and local studies and literature would also be of big aid to them because of the given information and problems with solutions of these materials. With all the knowledge, the materials to be used and the related resources, the researchers will need to carefully plan the whole study which is going to be the foundation of their research as a whole, gather and analyze data before they design and code the system. After the coding stage, the researchers need to test and evaluate their study. If necessary, modifications should be done to perfect the system. Conceptual Paradigm Below is the figure of the conceptual paradigm of the study: NOTE:::: REVISED PARADIGM MAKE A NEW DIAGRAM.. PLACE IT HERE!!!.. Figure 2. Paradigm of the study Definition of Terms Accuracy – is a characteristic of a reliable system achieved from a number of tests and evaluation. Circulation Management – is a division in the library which is in charge of managing the borrowing and the returning of library materials. Collection Management- is a division in the library which is in charge of maintaining the collection of the library materials through adding or updating records. Database – is an organized collection of data needed for storing, updating, retrieving and viewing information for a particular system. Library Management System – is the system which will be an aid for monitoring the books and tracking and reminding the borrowers in a certain library. Radio Frequency Identification – is one of the newest identification technologies that use electromagnetic fields to transfer and read data that will be integrated by the researchers in this study. Chapter 2 Related Literature and Studies A. Related Literature Foreign Literature Holloway (June 2006), Microsoft EMEA Manufacturing Industry Solutions Architect, wrote a white paper which explained the components of a basic RFID system and how it works. According to him, an RFID system is composed of three important pieces of equipment such as: (1) a small radio device called a tag, or the transponder, which contains the data, (2) the reader, or the interrogator, that transmits and collects data to be downloaded from and uploaded to the tag, and (3) the host computer installed with an RFID software to process the data into valuable information. Daniel (2004) summarizes the operation in a basic RFID system as discussed below: First, the tag will enter the RF field of the Reader then, the RF signal will power the Tag that will transmit the ID with other data which, on the other hand, will be sent to the computer by the Reader. Then, the computer will be the one sending data to the Reader which will be transmitted to the tag. In a paper published by Mitrokotsa and Douligeri (2009), â€Å"Integrated RFID and Sensor Networks: Architectures and Applications†, they discussed and differentiate RFID and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Technologies. They also discussed why these technologies should be implemented to various fields of business and their requirements. Since the proponents will be using RFID, the tips, which are proven effective, given in this study on how to have better RFID-based systems will be of big help in conducting their study. Soldatos (2010) formulated a study entitled Rich Client Application for RFID EPCIS Repository wherein he created software which intended to provide a UML-like graphical representation of the business locations, and read points of an enterprise with a more user friendly RFID-based software system. Dhanalakshmi and Mamatha (n. d. ) wrote a paper wherein they discussed the project that they created entitled â€Å"RFID Based Library Management System† which is very similar to the study being conducted by the proponents. In their study’s conclusion, they have indicated and proven that RFID in the library speeds up its transactions such as book borrowing, returning, searching thus enables staff to do more of its responsibilities. Mutigwe and Aghdasi (n. d. also conducted a study entitled â€Å"Research Trends in RFID Technology† wherein they have given attention at continuing research activities in the field of RFID and talked about the possible major burdens that RFID Technology is facing today such as privacy, high costs, and social and legal concerns. Local Literature Garcia (2009) made a study, â€Å"Student Recognition Using Radio Frequency Identification for Tarlac State University†, which was undertaken to develop a system that would support and i mprove the current way of identifying students at Tarlac State University. The system is capable of importing excel files to update student records. Through the images and the information displayed by the system, security officers find it easy to identify the students entering the school campus. Reports can be generated for administration and filing purposes. The concern of security was also addressed because the system can control users and produce integral records. Similar to the study of the proponents, the system that they will create can also generate reports for monitoring and inventory purposes. Another study which also focused on the record keeping of students who enter and exit the school premises is the â€Å"Design of RFID Interface System: A Prototype† conducted by Engr. Dellosa (2007). He designed a circuitry capable of indicating the arrival and departure of the students in such a way that the students can also be notified. He also developed software capable of capturing and recording the student’s names together with their time of arrival and departure within the school premises. B. Related Studies Foreign Studies A study of Botterman and Oranje (May 2009) entitled â€Å"Study on The Requirements and Options For RFID Application in Healthcare† proved that RFID Technology is versatile and can also bring improvements in the field of healthcare. It also proved that the speed of access and speed of processing of transactions, the inventory of equipment, and the monitoring of the patience and employees can be improved by RFID. Lastly, Zherdev (2011) performed a study, â€Å"Storing and Reading Sensor Data from Battery Assisted Passive RFID†, which dealt with tags of battery assisted passive-type and ISO 18000-6C standard. His study evaluated and improved a system designed to transmit information about the bearings status of railway wagons. It is related to this study being conducted by the proponents since they will also be using the passive type of RFID tags. Shariff of Longitude Consultancy Services made a proposal for schools to implement systems incorporated with RFID Technology for attendance monitoring, library management, and logging in school buses. He reasoned out the needs for such advancement which made the proponents more eager in pursuing this study. Local Studies Studies were not only done in other countries but also in the Philippines as well. Filipinos also hunger for knowledge and improvements in the field of Technology. One of the pioneers in using RFID Technology to make its transactions faster and more efficient is the Mapua Institute of Technology with its Cardinal Plus Model which made many transactions convenient ever since it was introduced to the Institute such as securing student identification upon entering the campus and online grade access of students. This study is somehow related because both implementation targets are in universities. A study conducted by Balbacal (2005) entitled â€Å"Automated Bus Fare System† is related to the system that the researchers is planning to create. In Balbacal’s system, she used reloadable cards which used barcodes in riding a bus and paying for the fare. The amount to be reloaded on a card depends on the user’s capability to pay. However, Aquino et. al’s (October 2009) â€Å"Automation of the Movie Theater Charging Procedures Through the Use of RFID† proved that RFID Technology can also improve the field of entertainment. Their system was able to eliminate queuing problems improve charging operations of the system implied on improvement in the efficiency, reliability accuracy of the operation. Even though the field of implementations of their study and the researchers’ are not the same, the purposes of both are identical. The researchers want to eliminate the redundancy in recording the attendance of the students which the existing system is not capable of. In Villame’s (2010) research entitled â€Å"Carrier Suppression Locked Loop Mechanism for UHF RFID Readers†, he made an improvement on the front-end architecture of UHF RFID readers to address the problem of having the performance of the reader limited as the active components in the receiver become saturated due to having the readers being exposed to strong carrier leakage signals because of the antenna reflections and limited isolation of circulators and directional couplers. This would be of great help but the researchers indicated that other complex aspects of RFID such as isolation of signals will not be covered by this study. Chapter 3 Methodology Research Design In every study, the method of research to be used is very important. The whole study somehow depends on such method because it will determine how the data collected will be handled. The goal is of this method is to acquire accurate and systematic data which are based on facts that can be used in averages, frequencies and similar statistical calculations. It often uses visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution. The researchers are also taking into consideration the use of developmental research. In a paper published by James D. Klein et. al, (n. d. ) they define it as studies that involve the production of information with the goal to improve the development of instructional design, development, and evaluation. Such research is based on either situation-speci? c problem solving or generalized inquiry actions. Sampling The researching process will take place at the Tanauan Institute, a institute located at J. V. Gonzales St. Pagaspas Tanauan City. The researchers have chosen this institution because it is where they are currently studying and it was the first time the school will use the RFID system. Instruments/Tools The primary tools that will be used in gathering the needed information for this study are researching and browsing from the net. The secondary tools will be the related foreign and local literature and studies that the researchers have gathered. Gathering Data The process of the data we gathered is divided into five phases namely: Identify and Analyze the Requirements. In this phase, the proponents will gather all possible requirements that the end user expects from the system to be developed. These requirements will dictate the functions that will be integrated in the system. Design the System. Upon gathering and analyzing the requirements of the end user, the designing of the system will follow. This phase is important because the system’s design will dictate the overall system architecture. If the proponents have inquiries about the system, they can gather and analyze the requirements again. Code the System. After designing what the system will look like, the proponents will start the actual coding of the system. This design of the system will be the basis of how the system will look like. Test the System. To ensure that the system is efficient and reliable, several tests will be conducted. If the system fails the testing phase, the proponents will go back to the second phase which is designing of the system. 5. Acceptance of the System. After having proven that the system is functioning well, it will be deployed to the end user and they will be trained on how to use it. They will evaluate if their requirements and expectations have been met. If not, the proponents have to go back to the first phase again and start all over. Software Specification |Operating System |Microsoft Windows XP or higher | |Microsoft SQL Sever |2008 or higher | |Microsoft . Net Framework |4. 0 or higher | |Windows Internet Explorer |7 or higher | |ACS CCID Driver | | Hardware Specification |Memory |2 GB or higher | |Processor |2. GHz or faster | |Hard Disk |At least 3GB of available space | |Monitor |1024Ãâ€"768 or higher resolution | |Printer | | |ACR122U NFC Reader | | Gantt Chart ILAGAY DITO†¦ Chapter4 The Proposed System User and Needs of the Study Proposed system is the Tanauan Institute New College Library Management System. Through our software user can add books, update books, search books, update information, edit information, record the attendance of the borrowers, borrow and return books in quick time. Our proposed system has the following advantages. ? User friendly interface ? Fast access to database ? Less error ? More Storage Capacity ? Search facility ? Look and Feel Environment ? Quick transaction All the manual difficulties in managing the Library have been rectified by implementing computerization. Analysis General Features of the System RFID technology has been applied in libraries just over a decade, though the technology is not yet mature but its rapid development allows more and more functions to be achieved. RFID is still in its developing stage in libraries, the technology originally can only simply achieve the self-check-in and check-out function, but till now, the effectively inventory, logistics and sorting the returned books are all able to be achieved. The library can adopt RFID technology aim of improving the self-service. Patrons can borrow and return the items using automatic lending machines, which require a library card and a PIN. Self-service becomes much easier with this new technology as it does not require line of sight and max. 3 items can be borrowed at a time. So far, the frequency of self-service is nearly 100%. Besides, sorting the returned books greatly reduces the library staffs manual work. As RFID label has anti-theft function, there is no need for an extra alarm strip to be attached to the item, which makes the borrowing and tagging tasks a lot easier accordingly. Chapter 5 Implementation Program Testing We the researchers have come up to test the system with different specifications to know the compatibility of it to the system. The researcher make sure that they will not have any problem during implementation and also we asked the end user to see and to test the system, if they had any wanted to changed or add on the system. To ensured that the system is efficient. Documentation Plan The documentation has seven chapters. The first three chapters were made during the first part of the study, these three chapters guide the researcher to create a system what look alike. The last four chapters were made at the second part together with the system proposal. Data Management Plan We the researchers gathered data by acquiring information on some schools, browsing the net, getting some ideas with the old system, library research, asking personal questions and getting information through handouts. Resource Management Plan The development of the software would not be possible without the following components: A. Computer – an electronic device uses to manipulate data. B. USB Flash Drive – is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. C. Hard Disk – wherein the system is stored and the soft copy of the documentation is saved. D. Ballpen Paper – use for writing down the documentation and other important information. E. Internet – the primary tool of the researchers that used to gathered the needed information or data. F. Printed Materials – used for additional reference. G. Printer – used to provide hard copy of the program code and documentation. All the data which were manipulated throughout the process of the study were stored in the computer hard disk drive with back up on several flash drives. Quality Assurance Plan The researchers ensure the most precise and direct method of providing the software with highest regard on procedures thereby providing easy access for end user. Accuracy and efficiency of the software is likewise ensured thereby providing the end users guaranteed reliable software. Security Plan The researchers ensure that all data, documentation, codes and system were provided sets of back up. And though the system, the researchers put a login form on the system to ensure that no one can access or view, only the end user can use it. Training Plan Formal training on how to use the program for end users will be provided by the researcher, if needed. The system is intended to use by an end-user acting as the administrator and could add another administrator that will do the same task to facilitate all their activities. Chapter 6 Maintenance Upon the implementation of the system, that is downloading and debugging the entire system, the researchers assures extension of services for future modifications or updates of information already published responsibilities: 1. Provided with the necessary updates on information, the researchers will plan the necessary layout modification, if needed. 2. According to the layout planned, necessary changes in the codes follows. 3. Appropriate testing of the modified code is to be done to ensure efficiency and accuracy. 4. Updating other details is provided by the system 5. Providing back-up of the modified code 6. Providing updated documentation 7. Entrusting all the used resources to the appropriate authorities. Hardware maintenance is beyond the duty of the researcher. Chapter 7 The Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Summary Library Management, particularly Circulation and Collection, in Tanauan Institute uses a semi-automated system which has a number of limitations such as incapability of automatically generating reports and statistics, and loss, inconsistency, and in accuracy of data. Since this institution is already using RFID Technology in monitoring the attendance of its students, the researchers attempted to resolve such issues by creating an RFID-Based Library Management System using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with the students and the librarians as the target beneficiaries in mind. Modified waterfall was the research model used by the researchers which helped them in the distribution of the tasks they need to accomplish. Descriptive method of research was also utilized in order to gather data more accurately and systematically with the use of data gathering tools such as surveys with open and close ended questions, interviews, and time motion study represented by graphs and tables to test and evaluate the system’s reliability and the user’s acceptance. Conclusion Through months of conducting this study, starting from the data-gathering-phase up to the deployment-phase, with the aid of the surveys, interviews, and time motion study analyzed, the researchers concluded the following statements about their Tanauan Institute New Library RFID-Based Library Management System: †¢ The system was able to generate statistics and reports by just a click of a button which can help them in forecasting and identifying the library users of the month. They can now finally be assured regarding the accuracy and reliability of the data generated. †¢ The system can cater larger amount of data which is what the library practically needed at this time that they are upgrading the amount of their collection. Data loss will now be finally eliminated. †¢ The system was able to track whom librarian is accountable for the loss of a returned material. †¢ The system was able to help them in reminding the students regarding their unreturned materials. Recommendations For the future researchers to improve, the researchers suggest the following: †¢ Module for printing of a receipt-like for library users as a confirmation of the material that they have returned or borrowed †¢ Module for printing of a book-card-like after adding or updating a particular library material so that librarians can now generate it with just a click of a button †¢ Module to Include visitors who don’t have RFIDs LAGYAN PA NG RECOMMENDATION YUNG NDI NYO NAGAWA.. Acknowledgement The interrogator emits a field of electromagnetic waves from an antenna, which are absorbed by the tag. The absorbed energy is used to power the tag’s microchip and a signal that includes the tag identification number is sent back to the interrogator. The use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio frequency  electromagnetic fields  to transfer data from a tag attached to an object, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking. Some tags require no battery and are powered and read at short ranges via magnetic fields (electromagnetic induction). Backround of the Study Tanauan Institute has already been using the Library System. Since the institution is already using such technology, these will be the first time for the institution to use Radio Frequency Identification. The researchers thought of maximizing its use by creating a system that will track the students who borrowed books, which will be having RFID stickers for monitoring purposes, in the library. Currently, the school’s library is using the â€Å"Library System† in monitoring the books, which has a number of limitations. It is not capable of generating reports that can determine the books that are mostly borrowed which can help them decide on the number of a particular book they will be purchasing in the future. It is also using Microsoft Visual Basic for the system’s database which can only store very limited information. On the other hand, the system that the library is using in recording the attendance of the users cannot help them in identifying the library users of the month. The librarians need to manually count the number of times each student had logged in the system. Lastly, they have also no means of reminding the library users regarding their borrowed book Statement of the Problem Not capable of generating reports that can determine the books that are mostly borrowed. No means of reminding the library users regarding about their borrowed books. Manual counting the number of times each student had logged in the system. Objectives of the Study Generally, the researchers aim to design and develop a system that would enhance the use of the current Library System with the help of RFID in the said Institute. Specifically, the study aims to: Design and develop a system that will generate reports to determine the trend in book borrowing Use MySQL for the system’s database Determine the library users of the month in just a click of a button Remind the students and faculty members regarding their borrowed books Test and evaluate the system’s accuracy and reliability Scope and Delimitation There would be some limitations to the project that should be taken into consideration. This study limits its coverage to the students of the Tanauan Institute only. It will be conducted for two semesters which consists of 10 months. Two low frequency ACR122U Smart Card Readers will be used for the system: one for the monitoring of books and the other one for the recording of the attendance. The system will be written in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010. The database that will be incorporated with such is Microsoft My SQL. It will execute only in platforms running Windows Operating System. The applications of the system will only cover the monitoring of books and tracking of the borrowers. Other unavoidable circumstances, such as power interruptions and speed of access, and other more complex areas of RFID Technology, such as securing the data, are no longer part of the study. Conceptual Framework For the researchers to be able to come up with a Radio Frequency Identification Reloading System, they will need very flexible and versatile knowledge in using the VB. NET programming language and in using the MS Server 2008. They will also be needing materials such as ACS Readers, tags which should be compatible with the reader and a desktop running Windows operating system. The related foreign and local studies and literature would also be of big aid to them because of the given information and problems with solutions of these materials. With all the knowledge, the materials to be used and the related resources, the researchers will need to carefully plan the whole study which is going to be the foundation of their research as a whole, gather and analyze data before they design and code the system. After the coding stage, the researchers need to test and evaluate their study. If necessary, modifications should be done to perfect the system. Conceptual Paradigm Below is the figure of the conceptual paradigm of the study: NOTE:::: REVISED PARADIGM MAKE A NEW DIAGRAM.. PLACE IT HERE!!!.. Figure 2. Paradigm of the study Definition of Terms Accuracy – is a characteristic of a reliable system achieved from a number of tests and evaluation. Circulation Management – is a division in the library which is in charge of managing the borrowing and the returning of library materials. Collection Management- is a division in the library which is in charge of maintaining the collection of the library materials through adding or updating records. Database – is an organized collection of data needed for storing, updating, retrieving and viewing information for a particular system. Library Management System – is the system which will be an aid for monitoring the books and tracking and reminding the borrowers in a certain library. Radio Frequency Identification – is one of the newest identification technologies that use electromagnetic fields to transfer and read data that will be integrated by the researchers in this study. Chapter 2 Related Literature and Studies A. Related Literature Foreign Literature Holloway (June 2006), Microsoft EMEA Manufacturing Industry Solutions Architect, wrote a white paper which explained the components of a basic RFID system and how it works. According to him, an RFID system is composed of three important pieces of equipment such as: (1) a small radio device called a tag, or the transponder, which contains the data, (2) the reader, or the interrogator, that transmits and collects data to be downloaded from and uploaded to the tag, and (3) the host computer installed with an RFID software to process the data into valuable information. Daniel (2004) summarizes the operation in a basic RFID system as discussed below: First, the tag will enter the RF field of the Reader then, the RF signal will power the Tag that will transmit the ID with other data which, on the other hand, will be sent to the computer by the Reader. Then, the computer will be the one sending data to the Reader which will be transmitted to the tag. In a paper published by Mitrokotsa and Douligeri (2009), â€Å"Integrated RFID and Sensor Networks: Architectures and Applications†, they discussed and differentiate RFID and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Technologies. They also discussed why these technologies should be implemented to various fields of business and their requirements. Since the proponents will be using RFID, the tips, which are proven effective, given in this study on how to have better RFID-based systems will be of big help in conducting their study. Soldatos (2010) formulated a study entitled Rich Client Application for RFID EPCIS Repository wherein he created software which intended to provide a UML-like graphical representation of the business locations, and read points of an enterprise with a more user friendly RFID-based software system. Dhanalakshmi and Mamatha (n. d. ) wrote a paper wherein they discussed the project that they created entitled â€Å"RFID Based Library Management System† which is very similar to the study being conducted by the proponents. In their study’s conclusion, they have indicated and proven that RFID in the library speeds up its transactions such as book borrowing, returning, searching thus enables staff to do more of its responsibilities. Mutigwe and Aghdasi (n. d. also conducted a study entitled â€Å"Research Trends in RFID Technology† wherein they have given attention at continuing research activities in the field of RFID and talked about the possible major burdens that RFID Technology is facing today such as privacy, high costs, and social and legal concerns. Local Literature Garcia (2009) made a study, â€Å"Student Recognition Using Radio Frequency Identification for Tarlac State University†, which was undertaken to develop a system that would support and i mprove the current way of identifying students at Tarlac State University. The system is capable of importing excel files to update student records. Through the images and the information displayed by the system, security officers find it easy to identify the students entering the school campus. Reports can be generated for administration and filing purposes. The concern of security was also addressed because the system can control users and produce integral records. Similar to the study of the proponents, the system that they will create can also generate reports for monitoring and inventory purposes. Another study which also focused on the record keeping of students who enter and exit the school premises is the â€Å"Design of RFID Interface System: A Prototype† conducted by Engr. Dellosa (2007). He designed a circuitry capable of indicating the arrival and departure of the students in such a way that the students can also be notified. He also developed software capable of capturing and recording the student’s names together with their time of arrival and departure within the school premises. B. Related Studies Foreign Studies A study of Botterman and Oranje (May 2009) entitled â€Å"Study on The Requirements and Options For RFID Application in Healthcare† proved that RFID Technology is versatile and can also bring improvements in the field of healthcare. It also proved that the speed of access and speed of processing of transactions, the inventory of equipment, and the monitoring of the patience and employees can be improved by RFID. Lastly, Zherdev (2011) performed a study, â€Å"Storing and Reading Sensor Data from Battery Assisted Passive RFID†, which dealt with tags of battery assisted passive-type and ISO 18000-6C standard. His study evaluated and improved a system designed to transmit information about the bearings status of railway wagons. It is related to this study being conducted by the proponents since they will also be using the passive type of RFID tags. Shariff of Longitude Consultancy Services made a proposal for schools to implement systems incorporated with RFID Technology for attendance monitoring, library management, and logging in school buses. He reasoned out the needs for such advancement which made the proponents more eager in pursuing this study. Local Studies Studies were not only done in other countries but also in the Philippines as well. Filipinos also hunger for knowledge and improvements in the field of Technology. One of the pioneers in using RFID Technology to make its transactions faster and more efficient is the Mapua Institute of Technology with its Cardinal Plus Model which made many transactions convenient ever since it was introduced to the Institute such as securing student identification upon entering the campus and online grade access of students. This study is somehow related because both implementation targets are in universities. A study conducted by Balbacal (2005) entitled â€Å"Automated Bus Fare System† is related to the system that the researchers is planning to create. In Balbacal’s system, she used reloadable cards which used barcodes in riding a bus and paying for the fare. The amount to be reloaded on a card depends on the user’s capability to pay. However, Aquino et. al’s (October 2009) â€Å"Automation of the Movie Theater Charging Procedures Through the Use of RFID† proved that RFID Technology can also improve the field of entertainment. Their system was able to eliminate queuing problems improve charging operations of the system implied on improvement in the efficiency, reliability accuracy of the operation. Even though the field of implementations of their study and the researchers’ are not the same, the purposes of both are identical. The researchers want to eliminate the redundancy in recording the attendance of the students which the existing system is not capable of. In Villame’s (2010) research entitled â€Å"Carrier Suppression Locked Loop Mechanism for UHF RFID Readers†, he made an improvement on the front-end architecture of UHF RFID readers to address the problem of having the performance of the reader limited as the active components in the receiver become saturated due to having the readers being exposed to strong carrier leakage signals because of the antenna reflections and limited isolation of circulators and directional couplers. This would be of great help but the researchers indicated that other complex aspects of RFID such as isolation of signals will not be covered by this study. Chapter 3 Methodology Research Design In every study, the method of research to be used is very important. The whole study somehow depends on such method because it will determine how the data collected will be handled. The goal is of this method is to acquire accurate and systematic data which are based on facts that can be used in averages, frequencies and similar statistical calculations. It often uses visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution. The researchers are also taking into consideration the use of developmental research. In a paper published by James D. Klein et. al, (n. d. ) they define it as studies that involve the production of information with the goal to improve the development of instructional design, development, and evaluation. Such research is based on either situation-speci? c problem solving or generalized inquiry actions. Sampling The researching process will take place at the Tanauan Institute, a institute located at J. V. Gonzales St. Pagaspas Tanauan City. The researchers have chosen this institution because it is where they are currently studying and it was the first time the school will use the RFID system. Instruments/Tools The primary tools that will be used in gathering the needed information for this study are researching and browsing from the net. The secondary tools will be the related foreign and local literature and studies that the researchers have gathered. Gathering Data The process of the data we gathered is divided into five phases namely: Identify and Analyze the Requirements. In this phase, the proponents will gather all possible requirements that the end user expects from the system to be developed. These requirements will dictate the functions that will be integrated in the system. Design the System. Upon gathering and analyzing the requirements of the end user, the designing of the system will follow. This phase is important because the system’s design will dictate the overall system architecture. If the proponents have inquiries about the system, they can gather and analyze the requirements again. Code the System. After designing what the system will look like, the proponents will start the actual coding of the system. This design of the system will be the basis of how the system will look like. Test the System. To ensure that the system is efficient and reliable, several tests will be conducted. If the system fails the testing phase, the proponents will go back to the second phase which is designing of the system. 5. Acceptance of the System. After having proven that the system is functioning well, it will be deployed to the end user and they will be trained on how to use it. They will evaluate if their requirements and expectations have been met. If not, the proponents have to go back to the first phase again and start all over. Software Specification |Operating System |Microsoft Windows XP or higher | |Microsoft SQL Sever |2008 or higher | |Microsoft . Net Framework |4. 0 or higher | |Windows Internet Explorer |7 or higher | |ACS CCID Driver | | Hardware Specification |Memory |2 GB or higher | |Processor |2. GHz or faster | |Hard Disk |At least 3GB of available space | |Monitor |1024Ãâ€"768 or higher resolution | |Printer | | |ACR122U NFC Reader | | Gantt Chart ILAGAY DITO†¦ Chapter4 The Proposed System User and Needs of the Study Proposed system is the Tanauan Institute New College Library Management System. Through our software user can add books, update books, search books, update information, edit information, record the attendance of the borrowers, borrow and return books in quick time. Our proposed system has the following advantages. ? User friendly interface ? Fast access to database ? Less error ? More Storage Capacity ? Search facility ? Look and Feel Environment ? Quick transaction All the manual difficulties in managing the Library have been rectified by implementing computerization. Analysis General Features of the System RFID technology has been applied in libraries just over a decade, though the technology is not yet mature but its rapid development allows more and more functions to be achieved. RFID is still in its developing stage in libraries, the technology originally can only simply achieve the self-check-in and check-out function, but till now, the effectively inventory, logistics and sorting the returned books are all able to be achieved. The library can adopt RFID technology aim of improving the self-service. Patrons can borrow and return the items using automatic lending machines, which require a library card and a PIN. Self-service becomes much easier with this new technology as it does not require line of sight and max. 3 items can be borrowed at a time. So far, the frequency of self-service is nearly 100%. Besides, sorting the returned books greatly reduces the library staffs manual work. As RFID label has anti-theft function, there is no need for an extra alarm strip to be attached to the item, which makes the borrowing and tagging tasks a lot easier accordingly. Chapter 5 Implementation Program Testing We the researchers have come up to test the system with different specifications to know the compatibility of it to the system. The researcher make sure that they will not have any problem during implementation and also we asked the end user to see and to test the system, if they had any wanted to changed or add on the system. To ensured that the system is efficient. Documentation Plan The documentation has seven chapters. The first three chapters were made during the first part of the study, these three chapters guide the researcher to create a system what look alike. The last four chapters were made at the second part together with the system proposal. Data Management Plan We the researchers gathered data by acquiring information on some schools, browsing the net, getting some ideas with the old system, library research, asking personal questions and getting information through handouts. Resource Management Plan The development of the software would not be possible without the following components: A. Computer – an electronic device uses to manipulate data. B. USB Flash Drive – is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. C. Hard Disk – wherein the system is stored and the soft copy of the documentation is saved. D. Ballpen Paper – use for writing down the documentation and other important information. E. Internet – the primary tool of the researchers that used to gathered the needed information or data. F. Printed Materials – used for additional reference. G. Printer – used to provide hard copy of the program code and documentation. All the data which were manipulated throughout the process of the study were stored in the computer hard disk drive with back up on several flash drives. Quality Assurance Plan The researchers ensure the most precise and direct method of providing the software with highest regard on procedures thereby providing easy access for end user. Accuracy and efficiency of the software is likewise ensured thereby providing the end users guaranteed reliable software. Security Plan The researchers ensure that all data, documentation, codes and system were provided sets of back up. And though the system, the researchers put a login form on the system to ensure that no one can access or view, only the end user can use it. Training Plan Formal training on how to use the program for end users will be provided by the researcher, if needed. The system is intended to use by an end-user acting as the administrator and could add another administrator that will do the same task to facilitate all their activities. Chapter 6 Maintenance Upon the implementation of the system, that is downloading and debugging the entire system, the researchers assures extension of services for future modifications or updates of information already published responsibilities: 1. Provided with the necessary updates on information, the researchers will plan the necessary layout modification, if needed. 2. According to the layout planned, necessary changes in the codes follows. 3. Appropriate testing of the modified code is to be done to ensure efficiency and accuracy. 4. Updating other details is provided by the system 5. Providing back-up of the modified code 6. Providing updated documentation 7. Entrusting all the used resources to the appropriate authorities. Hardware maintenance is beyond the duty of the researcher. Chapter 7 The Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Summary Library Management, particularly Circulation and Collection, in Tanauan Institute uses a semi-automated system which has a number of limitations such as incapability of automatically generating reports and statistics, and loss, inconsistency, and in accuracy of data. Since this institution is already using RFID Technology in monitoring the attendance of its students, the researchers attempted to resolve such issues by creating an RFID-Based Library Management System using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with the students and the librarians as the target beneficiaries in mind. Modified waterfall was the research model used by the researchers which helped them in the distribution of the tasks they need to accomplish. Descriptive method of research was also utilized in order to gather data more accurately and systematically with the use of data gathering tools such as surveys with open and close ended questions, interviews, and time motion study represented by graphs and tables to test and evaluate the system’s reliability and the user’s acceptance. Conclusion Through months of conducting this study, starting from the data-gathering-phase up to the deployment-phase, with the aid of the surveys, interviews, and time motion study analyzed, the researchers concluded the following statements about their Tanauan Institute New Library RFID-Based Library Management System: †¢ The system was able to generate statistics and reports by just a click of a button which can help them in forecasting and identifying the library users of the month. They can now finally be assured regarding the accuracy and reliability of the data generated. †¢ The system can cater larger amount of data which is what the library practically needed at this time that they are upgrading the amount of their collection. Data loss will now be finally eliminated. †¢ The system was able to track whom librarian is accountable for the loss of a returned material. †¢ The system was able to help them in reminding the students regarding their unreturned materials. Recommendations For the future researchers to improve, the researchers suggest the following: †¢ Module for printing of a receipt-like for library users as a confirmation of the material that they have returned or borrowed †¢ Module for printing of a book-card-like after adding or updating a particular library material so that librarians can now generate it with just a click of a button †¢ Module to Include visitors who don’t have RFIDs LAGYAN PA NG RECOMMENDATION YUNG NDI NYO NAGAWA..

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Finance (Case Study) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Finance (Case Study) - Essay Example They should work out how much (after paying off all their debts and driving down their expenditure) they can save every month. Good saving habits and practices begin with a clear knowledge and understanding of what one is capable of and how much one can spend at any given time without negatively affecting his/her financial health. The couple must therefore know how much they are capable of saving every month, compare that figure to the actual amount they are saving and then start cutting down on unnecessary spending. Work out a Saving Plan Ascertaining saving is only the first step. It acts as a precursor to the next course of action, which is working out a saving plan. The most important thing to note here is that one thing leads to the other, and in a case like this it is advisable to move in a systematic and methodical manner. Assuming the couple has now figured out how much they are capable of saving every month, they can now move to achieve that goal. All expenditures should be planned in such a way that the saving targets are either met at the end of every month (or even surpassed). So long as the couple is saving money, meeting its targets and avoiding unnecessary expenditures, a strong financial foundation has been laid which will act as a launching pad for financial security and freedom. Their Current Financial Situation I would say that the couple is currently doing fine. Their total expenditure per annum is $228,348, compared to their total income per annum which is $294,650. This means that at the end of every month they are able to save $66,302. In addition to this, their investments and assets total $1,771,500, while their total debt is $28,965. I would therefore say that since the couple is not in debt and they are able to save some money, their financial position is pretty healthy. As a consequence, it is possible that through better saving and spending habits, they can save even more money and maintain a positive financial outlook going forward . All the Aspects of their Finances Kevin and Alex are capable of saving more than they are saving now. The only thing they need to do is to eliminate any unnecessary costs and expenditures that can only serve to increase their debt. It is however encouraging to see that both of them have invested in either a superannuation or some other type of fund. Alex diverts a portion of her salary ($33,000) to a superannuation fund, while Kevin has invested in a superfund. Apart from this, the couple has invested in a share portfolio, an investment unit and a debenture. The superannuation is important because it provides them with a sense of security and something to fall back on once they are either retired or are unable to work. The debenture, investment unit and share portfolio also offer viable financial alternatives that would otherwise be unavailable if the couple did not seek financial security. Their Overall Situation I would laud the couple for making efforts to secure their future, because although they are faced with numerous financial challenges, they are managing to stay afloat. With a combined income of less than $300,000, it is commendable that they have made some very good investment moves. They took out a mortgage, and even though it was $850,000 at the time they took it, their house is now worth $1,050,000. This means that once they stop remitting the monthly payments that are due, they will own their home and probably get even a higher value for

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Critique an article from a published text Essay

Critique an article from a published text - Essay Example n countries and other countries, Claire Cameron wrote an article entitled ‘Social Pedagogy and Care: Danish and German Practice in Young People’s Residential Care’ which conducted an ethnographic study of social pedagogy as well as residential care in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, and the Netherlands in order to examine the actual practice and its relationship with the provision of care in England. For this study, the researcher will make some critiques over the Cameron’s statements in the article. According to Cameron (2004), the concept of social pedagogy which focus on training and practice of social work within the residential care for children and young people is not clearly understood in UK.3 Contrary to her statement in this particular article, there are several schools in UK that is currently promoting the importance of social pedagogy in Europe’s residential care for children. In fact, looking after the children’s welfare is already a part of the main goal of UK social policy.4 The article states that social pedagogy approach in Denmark and Germany is conducted by providing the staff member of residential care homes with proper actual trainings; whereas social pedagogy approach in England is being extended to social workers through formal education in schools.5 According to Petrie et al. (2005), the term ‘pedagogy’ in England is not often used except in classrooms and formal education.6 Instead of using the word pedagogy, English people use words like childcare and early years, youth work, residential care and play work to describe a similar context or idea. Both approaches to social pedagogy should be accepted in the sense that the learners could learn the appropriate theories behind social pedagogy within a formal educational setting as well as providing the learners an actual learning experience through an on-the-spot training programs to social care workers who are directly handling children within the residential care

Monday, August 26, 2019

United States History, World War II through 1970s Essay

United States History, World War II through 1970s - Essay Example Nearly all continents of the world were involved in this war either direct or indirect. However, this war largely involved countries that had seen a rapid growth in their economy. The war involved two extreme sides, the allies, and the axis. The axes were the original inventor of this war while the axis joined this war to protect their interest, which was under threat from the axis. The United States was involved in this war at later stages. Initially, United States was hesitant to join the war due to its foreign policy (Willmott, H et al, 2009). America only joined this war when its interest was threatened in eastern Asia. The impacts of this war continue to be felt today. However, the impact was prominent in the period from 1945 to the 1970’s. This paper seeks to discuss the United States history after world war two through the 1970’s. There were major turning points that happened after world war two through the 1970’s. The war led to a significant assemblage o f American resources more than seen before in American history. Additionally, there was revival of major industries, and agricultural productivity improved significantly. America was able to overcome the challenges of the Great Depression that took place in the 1930’s and became one of the most powerful economies in the world. Then level of management of American economy improved greatly. Roosevelt administration focused on weapon manufacture rather than production of consumer goods. The War Production Board facilitated this level of production. Mostly, war weapons were produced such as tanks, airplanes, and tires meant for war. Major technological advances resulted due to the influence of World War II. The major historical turning points had impacts on America’s current society, economy, politics, and culture. They for a long time changed the spirit of America politically, socially, culturally, and of more importance economically. America during this period aim was to avoid war at all cost although it had military prowess. However, as various resources were mobilized at all levels, America economy grew tremendously. Consequently, America became one of the richest nations in the world and a major superpower (Willmott et al, 2009). Consumer good increased in the market at an alarming rate and hence America was able to conquer the world. Due to industrial expansion, America developed technologically and was able to land in space in the 1960’s (Willmott et al, 2009). America also developed complicated military weapons and this led it to be involved in military intervention in the world such as Vietnam War (Williams, 2004). In politics, various laws were put into place to allow for all people participation especially the women. Moreover, there was significant cultural transformation as America engaged in sports, music, and entertainment to show its prowess especially due to Cold War influence (Willmott et al, 2009). The rise of industries also led to constant migration of workers, and an increase in population in industrial areas. Americans had myriad reasons of not wanting to be engaged in European conflict that culminated in World War II in the late 1930’s. Initially, World War II did not affect America in any way. This led to lack of support of majority of the citizens. America entrance into the war gained public support after attack on Pearl Harbor (Williams, 2004). Additionally, America was recovering from the effects of depression that took place in 1930. Therefore, America did not want to involve itself with activities that would disrupt its economic growth. Furthermore, America wanted to protect the market for its industrial good. Europe provided a large base for its manufactured good, hence wanted to remain neutral (Williams, 2004). Women played

Patient Safety And Medication Administration Research Paper

Patient Safety And Medication Administration - Research Paper Example Transcribing of medicine takes place in two major forms, which are through handwriting and computer inputting (MÃ ´nica et al., 2011, p. 225). In any of these cases, there was a study by Meng-Ting et al. (2010, p. 258) which established the most frequent cases of errors nowadays. Omalhassan et al. (2009, p. 389) on the other hand argued that the forms and reasons leading to errors during transcribing are different when basing these on handwritten transcribing or computer typed transcribing. While using handwriting, misspelling, wrong interpretation of writing and wrongful representation of figures have been noted to be examples of the commonest forms of errors (Hossein et al., 2012). When computers are used, Matt G. (2013, p. 28) noted that there is the possibility of the computer automatically changing or attempting to correct a spelling, which may lead to error with spelling if not detected.At the administration stage also, Moura, Prado and Acurcio (2011, p. 314) warned that error s are still possible even if all the aforementioned processes have been carried out successfully. In the light of this, Murray et al. (2009, p. 761) saw that the issue of poor supervision on the part of nurses over patients whiles administering drug is a major cause of error as it leads to wrong dosage. This means that at the transition stage where the nurse leaves the drug with the patient, it is possible for the patient to either undertake or overtake the drug if close monitoring is not in place.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Week #7 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week #7 - Article Example Nature’s standards include productivity, but also require that the land be used well and that people are willing and able to use it well† (Bring It To The table, p.3). I strongly agree with Berry’s core belief towards being responsible caretakers of Mother Nature so as it will also be kind to us humans. This is especially relevant today, highlighting the need for humans to be more educated towards how to treat and use our natural resources well because of the many natural disasters that have taken many lives and livelihood from people. â€Å"Bring It To The Table† & â€Å"Jorge Luis Borgers: Funes, His Memory† for me has a lot of correlated ideas. In the line of the narrator to Funes that said â€Å"this rhapsody of unconnected terms was precisely the contrary of a system of enumeration. Funes did not understand me, or did not wish to understand me" (Jorge Luis Borgers:Funes, His Memory, p.113). Just like how we have a tendency to just take from the world or Mother Nature and disregard the proper processes such as in agriculture, in the end, nature will take its toll on us in such a way, perhaps, that it produces harmful produce that through years of intake would cause our bodies serious harm. Therefore, based on these two readings, I would say that there are no exemptions to the Golden Rule. â€Å"Do not do unto others, what you do not want others to do unto

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Career Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Career Development - Essay Example n Manager (SCM) includes managing orders, overseeing production, creating a feasible production schedule, coordinating production and distribution plans and overall planning and forecasting. Duties also include transportation planning and execution paying close attention to tracking. A successful SCM continually focus’ on strategic network optimization, supplier/purchaser relations and cost reductions. SCM’s diagnose potential economic indicators; evaluate reporting documentation quality and solve problems (â€Å"Supply Chain Management†, 2005). Supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion and all logistics management behaviors. It also includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers or customers. In essence, supply chain management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies. Logistics management is the element of supply chain management that plans, implements and controls the efficient forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements (College of Business Administration, 2005). Many types of businesses and organizations most likely to employ supply chain managers include communication, consulting, military, manufacturing, retail, computer service, telecommunications and transportation firms, equipm ent manufacturers, print media, public warehouses and wholesale distributors (College of Business Administration, 2005). Companies such as Cisco Systems offer wall-to-wall management of chain supplies including procurement of product components, standard raw materials, customised supplies, and other goods needed to conducted business operation. This process includes selecting the supplier, submitting formal requests for goods and services

Friday, August 23, 2019

How can we avoid having good Internet security technologies Essay

How can we avoid having good Internet security technologies compromised by the people who use them -- Lessons Learned from Pass - Essay Example In this scenario, the data transmitted over the web from confidential e-mail messages to web shopping information, moves all-through a sequence of systems and network connections. Thus, illegal scam artists and hackers avail sufficient chances to cut off or make illegal use of this information intentionally. Moreover, it would be practically not possible to protect each computer system linked to the internet on the earth; consequently there will certainly vulnerable connections in the way of data transmission over the internet (ReferenceForBusiness, 2011). Problems in Internet Security with Technical and Managerial Solutions There are lots of issues which need to be kept in mind when organizations and individuals make use of the internet. While talking about user personal information security the main issues are about hacking and theft of the user’s confidential information that need to be protected competently for the better security management. In this scenario, to deal with this issue password based information security is necessary at all levels of business and personal systems. Seeing that a password for an email or an Automated Teller Machine account or for conducting business over web, offers a security shield to the certified people to make their entrance to these information technology based systems. In this scenario, a password is a group of digits, numbers, symbols and letters to login into an information system. In addition, anniversary dates, birthday dates, social security numbers etc. are some of the common choices people make while choosing a password based security. On the other hand, most of the people favor utilizing automatic tools to produce security passwords. However, the basic concern is how secure these security based passwords are in an attempt to stop illegal access. Moreover, security of a system is frequently compromised when people leave their secret password and printed slip on systems, etc. Thus, the trend to save or note down these secret passwords to a note book or diary, frequently reveals the system to illegal access and consequently takes to unnecessary breach. There are a variety of causes and factors dependable for violation of security because of passwords. In this scenario, a common mistake most of the people make while choosing a secret password is that they select a simple combination. For instance, they develop passwords which are simple to memorize as well as extremely simple to deduce, like that passwords created on confidential data and information. In addition, these secret passwords are a superior threat of being exposed others. Thus, there is need for developing techniques to choose an extremely hard hidden security password (MightyStudent, 2011). Patch management is a circular procedure that should be continuous. On the other hand, the bad truth about software weaknesses is that, if we implement a patch today, a new susceptibility would require tackling next day. In this scenario, the process of building and automating a patch management procedure encompasses utilization of detection tools. These tools are used to check systems for omitted safety patches. In addition, this operation should be automatic in order to activate the patch management

Thursday, August 22, 2019

John Locke Government Essay Example for Free

John Locke Government Essay Without a civil society, all rules of order begin to break down. At this point, there really is no society present. Rather, there is anarchy and an anarchistic society is not one where the populace can be reasonably cared for and protected. John Locke puts forth many assessments in this regard. However, Locke also understands that the current state of society will often play a role in terms of how we react to it. In Richard II, we have a monarchy of a society that fails to be civil in a number of ways. Because of this, action is taken by certain members of the populace. This does raise questions regarding whether or not the actions of these characters in the play support or undermine the theories of John Locke as they relate to the civil society. A closer examination of the play will reveal answers in this regard. In the play, we see certain callous and decidedly not well thought out actions on the part of Richard II. In the early stages of the play, the king interferes in a dual between Bolingbroke and Mowbray. The former is banished for 6 years as a result of his actions with the latter is banished forever. This creates great animosity among Mowbray and his followers while also setting the stage for the creation of a serious enemy. Such actions are further compounded when Richard appropriates all the land of John of Gaunt for himself when the character passes away. Are such actions those of a ruler that professes to oversee a civil society? A great many arguments can be made that such actions are hardly noble in their intent and action. At the core of Locke’s writing is that there really is no such thing as a divinity among the kings that rule a particular land. In other words, kings are not divine beings that can impose their will on the populace in any way they see fit. There are various John Locke, Government, and RICHARD II – Page 2 reasons why Locke promotes such a notion. Firstly, he recognizes that kings are human beings and, hence, fallible as all humans are. This can lead to kings being self-serving as opposed to serving their subjects and the rule of law. When both of these components are ignored, the civil society breaks down. Also, it becomes impossible for proper governance to exist unless deep and serious thought is put forth towards the nature and role of ruling. So, when a king puts forth the attitude that all things are good because of his divine will, society runs the risk of collapsing. Why is this so? Mainly, it is because no logic is being employed by the ruler. Rather, the king believes all things decreed correct because the king is infallible. This does little more than set the stage for the collapse of the king’s rule as well as the collapse of the civil society. We can see this in RICHARD II in several ways. Richard slowly seems to lose his grip on proper rule and becomes a self-serving entity. During the events of the play, we learn that Richard’s kingdom is involved in a long, bitter, and protracted war with Ireland. As such, the need for making proper and accurate decisions is a must. Poor decisions can undermine the effectiveness of the war effort which, in turn, can lead to a collapse of the kingdom. Early in the play, Richard is accused of not properly managing the war effort as evidenced by his personal appropriations of Gaunt’s wealth among other improprieties. This sets in motion the idea that he must be disposed as the ruler of the kingdom. John Locke, Government, and RICHARD II – Pg 3 While all rulers will be criticized at some point, the most stinging criticism would be that the leader does not hold the fabric of society together. Rather, he contributes to the collapse of society. An argument of these sorts can be made towards the rule of Richard II. Of great concern to Locke is the notion that the population has a right to private property and that any government or ruler that infringes on private property is little more than a tyranny. In the context of RICHARD II, there is a ruler that has no respect for private property as evidenced by his unlawful seizing of land and wealth. This poses the question when a king acts lawless, is there any law to the land? Locke also was an avowed believer in the notion that government must represent the will of the people. Those governments that do not provide for the populace in such a way will run the risk of being legitimately overthrown by the motivated members of the populace. We see such events played out in RICAHRD II in many different ways. Ultimately, all the actions of King Richard promote the notion that he does not serve his subject. Rather, he serves his own personal goals with little regard for the life and property of those he is entrusted to care for. One could say that RICHARD II truly does provide a clear interpretation of the problems with government detailed in John Locke’s SECOND TREATISE OF GOVERNMENT. As such, it would be safe to infer that Locke would hardly approve of the way Richard II rules. Considering the downfall of the king in the play, Richard II would have been better served had be been guided by Locke’s philosophical approach to government.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Employee Recruitment and Retention on the Plumbing and Heating Industry Essay Example for Free

Employee Recruitment and Retention on the Plumbing and Heating Industry Essay The way in which companies recruit and retain their employees is considered as a competitive weapon. Not until recently that firms are becoming serious on the act of recruitment as the Bureau of Labor statistics estimates that jobs will grow faster at a rate that is not proportional with the labor force, hence forcing the aforementioned to appeal to various groups such as omen and minorities. As such not only recruitment is very vital but also retaining employees (Denton, 1992, p. 14). According to Frank Doyle, the senior vice president of corporate relations at General Electric: For U.   S. corporations, tomorrow’s competitive battle will be won or lost on the strength of their ability to build and retain a skilled work force (Richman 1990, 76 as cited from Denton, 1992, p. 14). General Electric believes that labor shortage does not significantly matter if companies know which people to hire and to retain. For instance, companies such as Merck Co. often times target certain universities or campuses that give a more detailed specialization on certain knowledge and skills that are very vital to their business. The Plumbing and Heating Industry  The plumbing and heating industry has been experiencing shortages as well on their workforce due to the difficulty of finding skilled plumbers and retaining them. It needs several numbers of years training on order to become a qualified plumber and heater and such also requires a deep dedication for a lifelong learning process. Certain skills are also necessary to be a good plumber such as need a head for heights, the ability to work in cramped conditions and the stamina to complete physically hard work day after day (The Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering, 2007). In addition with this, plumbers also need the intelligence to solve complex equations. More importantly, they must have the expertise and flexibility to install various systems and the capability to comprehend the logic of various systems. They should also have the ability and initiative to solve a problem and a passion to know and apply various technologies on their work. Plumbers and heaters must also have a creative mind and a sound judgment, and finally they should be professional and honest (The Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering, 2007). Employee Recruitment Interviews In order to find the right people, the process of interviewing and getting to know them not only through their answers but also through their eye contacts, body languages and the likes (Dibble, 1999). For instance, some companies like Merck often conduct a 30-minute interview in order to assess the qualifications of prospective employees. Hewlett-Packard did it further by implementing a technique called behavioral interviewing that is developed by organizational psychologist Paul Green that would assess the future behavior of a prospective employee based on his or her past behaviors. In using this technique, interviewers can design employee questions that would allow them to elicit behaviors that are closely related to the job that they are looking for (Denton, 1999, p. 16). The process of behavioral interview often times identifies 21 skills that are very vital for certain jobs such as coping, decisiveness, assertiveness, tolerance of ambiguity, written communication skills, creativity, commitment, team building, versatility, and leadership (Denton, 1999, p. 17). For the aforementioned skills there are still eight job behaviors that are needed to be known such as how prospective employees deal with â€Å"varied duties, deal with diverse groups, respond to others needs, be socially flexible, roll with the punches, understand individual differences, make others comfortable, exhibit wide range of social behaviors ( More 1988, as cited from Denton, 1992, p. 17). Decentralized Hiring Traditional recruitment approaches that focuses on interviewing prospective employees by a single person is no longer deemed as vital nowadays. For instance, the Springfield Remanufacturing Corporation (SRC) one of Americas most successful small companies still has their hiring process as a group activity. SRC adopts a non-traditional method of recruitment by having all of their applicants have five or six interviews with various individuals that he or she might be working with (Denton, 1992, p. 18). Recruitment through Reputation The reputation of the company is also one of the leading factors in which highly knowledgeable and skilled employees will desire to work for the aforementioned. For instance SRC received more than 2,500 applications for a small company that only employs 300 people. It could also be noted that the company only pays $6 or $7 per hour, yet applicants are still flocking to them. One significant reason for this is its reputation for being one of the best places to work. One of the ways of doing such is the capacity of a company to manage the diversity of their workforce (Denton, 1992, p. 19). The shortages in terms of prospective employees is a growing concern among companies that is why there is a need to focus more on recruiting minorities and women. However, in order for a company to have a wide application pool, such must first establish to have a good reputation of being able to effectively manage organizational diversity (Denton, 1992, p. 20). Aggressive Recruitment for Entry-Level Workers One of the best ways to tap to a good employee resource is through recruiting entry-level workers through implementing various programs such as â€Å"Adopt-a-School† or â€Å"Join-A-School†. These programs allow companies and organizations to establish partnerships between business and schools which may involve elementary school, vocational school or even a university (Denton, 1992, p. 5). The main value of such programs is the establishment of closer relationships between schools and in a macro perspective, creating better understanding businesses and industry. More importantly, partnerships such as like these, would allow companies to easily recruit personnels that can improve the companys image that could help the prospective applicants to view your companys business as a career, hence a better chance of creating a wide labor pool (Denton, 1992, p. 26). Employee Retention If finding good people is hard, so as looking for ways to make them stay. One of the companies that have displayed such an admirable trait is Federal Express, wherein they have emphasized the importance of retention, recruitment and employee relations (Dibble, 1999). If a particular company is very careful in terms of recruiting, there is also a relatively better match of keeping them. One best way of doing such is the company centralizing all of its recruitment centers (Denton, p. 47). After which, they provide immense value on putting their people first on their list. Good employee relations for Federal Express involve deeds that impress employees and improve relations (Denton, p. 48). According to Fred Smith, CEO of Federal Express, I think a lot of companies talk about how their employees are their most important asset, but where you can really tell whether it is very important or not is how much their senior management spends on the issues ( Trunick 1989, 19 as cited from Denton, 1992, p. 48). Through implementing the philosophy of people, service, Profits the company makes their people feel that they are indeed needed in the organization. They let them answer several basic questions such as What is expected of me, and what do you want me to do? (p. 48). These questions are answered by having all of their employees attend extensive orientation programs wherein the Federal Express values are discussed Incentives Career advancement is not the only incentive that will make people stay within the organization. For instance the use of awards program that is designed to reinforce a particular desired behavior such as superior quality of work and customer centricity played a lot in terms of motivating employees to stay (p. 49). One very good example of this is Federal Express Bravo Zulu Voucher Program: wherein employees who displayed admirable work performance such as going beyond what is expected of them are able to receive cash or non cash rewards. Also, their Suggestion Awards Program allow employees to participate in the management process by sharing their ideas that will enable the company to improve its operations. Any idea implemented that will lower costs, increase productivity, revenues or promote safer working conditions will receive recognition and $100 to $25,000 worth of cash (p. 49). Communications Open Communication among employees is also vital to solve a problem. The internal employee response program allows employees to find answers to situations that they perceived as something that is disagreeable, controversial or is contrary to existing policies. If employees express negative concerns about their work or with the management, the latter is expected to respond within 14 days. These concerns are assured to be forwarded to the CEO (p. 50). Appeals Board The Appeals Board is a venue wherein decisions among complaints could be given and also disciplines could be implemented. However, it is very important that when keeping such a type of venue for resolution of organizational conflicts, the organization must have the capability to streamline its process to make the time alloted for every case reasonable enough (Denton, 1999, p. 52). Survey, Feedback, Action (SFA) An annual survey of employee attitudes is also important for the company to measure its employee opinions and to make changes that could hopefully change not so favorable employee attitudes to the company (Dibble, 1999). This assures that the management will see clearly what its team feels about the organization. In addition such allows a fair gauge of attitude and anonymity among employees (Denton, 1999, p. 52). Education and Trainings Continued learning is a venue wherein employees themselves would feel that they are indeed valued by the company. As such it us also very relevant as well that the organization will invest on trainings or even scholarships to employees who wanted to continue their education (Logue, Yates and Greider, 2001, p. 46-47). Conclusion The Plumbing and Heating Industry has been experiencing a significant decline in terms of its workforce. Hence in order to solve this problem the industry must be able to adopt effective recruitment and employee retention practices that were formulated in theory and practice of various management scholars and organizations. For the purpose of this research, in order to have an effective recruitment process, the research has emphasized the importance of: Interviews, Decentralized Hiring, Recruitment through Reputation, and Aggressive Recruitment for Entry-Level Workers. On the other hand, in order to retain employees, companies must be able to focus on: Incentives, Communications, Appeals Board, Survey, Feedback, Action (SFA), and Education and Training.