Monday, August 26, 2019

United States History, World War II through 1970s Essay

United States History, World War II through 1970s - Essay Example Nearly all continents of the world were involved in this war either direct or indirect. However, this war largely involved countries that had seen a rapid growth in their economy. The war involved two extreme sides, the allies, and the axis. The axes were the original inventor of this war while the axis joined this war to protect their interest, which was under threat from the axis. The United States was involved in this war at later stages. Initially, United States was hesitant to join the war due to its foreign policy (Willmott, H et al, 2009). America only joined this war when its interest was threatened in eastern Asia. The impacts of this war continue to be felt today. However, the impact was prominent in the period from 1945 to the 1970’s. This paper seeks to discuss the United States history after world war two through the 1970’s. There were major turning points that happened after world war two through the 1970’s. The war led to a significant assemblage o f American resources more than seen before in American history. Additionally, there was revival of major industries, and agricultural productivity improved significantly. America was able to overcome the challenges of the Great Depression that took place in the 1930’s and became one of the most powerful economies in the world. Then level of management of American economy improved greatly. Roosevelt administration focused on weapon manufacture rather than production of consumer goods. The War Production Board facilitated this level of production. Mostly, war weapons were produced such as tanks, airplanes, and tires meant for war. Major technological advances resulted due to the influence of World War II. The major historical turning points had impacts on America’s current society, economy, politics, and culture. They for a long time changed the spirit of America politically, socially, culturally, and of more importance economically. America during this period aim was to avoid war at all cost although it had military prowess. However, as various resources were mobilized at all levels, America economy grew tremendously. Consequently, America became one of the richest nations in the world and a major superpower (Willmott et al, 2009). Consumer good increased in the market at an alarming rate and hence America was able to conquer the world. Due to industrial expansion, America developed technologically and was able to land in space in the 1960’s (Willmott et al, 2009). America also developed complicated military weapons and this led it to be involved in military intervention in the world such as Vietnam War (Williams, 2004). In politics, various laws were put into place to allow for all people participation especially the women. Moreover, there was significant cultural transformation as America engaged in sports, music, and entertainment to show its prowess especially due to Cold War influence (Willmott et al, 2009). The rise of industries also led to constant migration of workers, and an increase in population in industrial areas. Americans had myriad reasons of not wanting to be engaged in European conflict that culminated in World War II in the late 1930’s. Initially, World War II did not affect America in any way. This led to lack of support of majority of the citizens. America entrance into the war gained public support after attack on Pearl Harbor (Williams, 2004). Additionally, America was recovering from the effects of depression that took place in 1930. Therefore, America did not want to involve itself with activities that would disrupt its economic growth. Furthermore, America wanted to protect the market for its industrial good. Europe provided a large base for its manufactured good, hence wanted to remain neutral (Williams, 2004). Women played

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